JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptists prayed for state and national leaders during an annual prayer service at Concord Baptist Church here, Jan. 6.
During the event, Concord Baptist Church Pastor Monte Shinkle welcomed Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, along with First Lady Teresa Parson, as well as other state officials. More than 100 people gathered for the prayer service.
Shinkle told participants that the time of prayer would focus on the cultural issues that state leaders are faced with – for example, issues related to racial reconciliation, the COVID-19 crisis, honest and just election processes, disunity within society and defending the sanctity of life.
Missouri Baptist Convention President Jon Nelson challenged state leaders to pursue and uphold truth.
“The sign of the Christian soldier is the belt of truth,” Nelson, pastor of SOMA Community Church, Jefferson City, said. He urged state officials to pursue the truth of Christ and the truth of God’s Word. He also called on them to speak and live a “life of truthfulness.”
“You must live the truth,” Nelson said. “Not YOUR truth, THE truth.” Living God’s truth can transform lives for the better, he added.
After Nelson’s charge to elected officials, MBC Executive Director John Yeats prayed for elected officials, and other leaders from across the state prayed for the cultural issues prominent in society: Price Wright, pastor, New City Church, Raytown, prayed for racial unification; Chezney Schulte, communicable disease coordinator for the Cole County Health Department and member of Freshwater Church, Jefferson City, prayed about the COVID-19 crisis; Doug Austin, member of Bethany Baptist Church, Cape Girardeau, prayed for honest and just elections; and Bev Ehlen, a member of the Missouri Baptist Christian Life Commission, prayed that the sanctity of life would be upheld in the state and nation.
The prayer event is held annually, based on the writing of the Apostle Paul to Timothy in 1 Tim. 2:1-3,“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”