ST. CHARLES – Trained volunteers from Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) will provide childcare on Monday and Tuesday of the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting here, Oct. 26-27.
Registration is free, but required. The deadline for registration is Oct. 12. Childcare is being offered for children from birth through 7 years of age. It begins at 8 a.m., Oct. 26, and ends after the Tuesday evening session, Oct. 27.
Although children will have snacks in childcare, parents are responsible for their children’s meals.
Missouri DR volunteers are trained and often help provide childcare for the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, as well.
To learn more about this opportunity or to register, visit According to a disclaimer on this website, childcare is currently available “subject to any public health limitations that may be recommended or required by local, state or federal agencies at the time of the event. MBC reserves the right to modify, postpone, or cancel childcare provisions at its sole discretion.”