The other night I was jolted out of bed by one of those monstrous thunder cracks. I think you can still see the fingernail marks on the ceiling over my bed. It was one of those rattle-the-windows, race-the-heart, vibrate-you-right-down-to-the-spirit kind of thunder explosions. I sensed people all over the Midwest getting right with God.
I’m not sure exactly how close the lightning was that came packaged with it, but I’m pretty sure my hair stood up for about an hour. My bangs have had a tendency to point north ever since.
I glanced at the clock and saw only darkness where the glowing numbers were supposed to be. It’s amazing to me how much I can take electricity for granted until it goes out. I realized I would have to turn on the light so I could see my watch. I can be such a sucker. After flicking the light, then feeling like a dope, I flicked it back and forth a few more times. Most of you should go ahead and admit that you switch a few extra times for good measure, too. Why do you suppose we do that? What, we think the rapid movement might somehow generate a kilowatt or two?
Before the storm passed, I added to my dopiness by thoughtlessly trying the computer. And then the TV. I did NOT, however, think of the flashlight for a good half hour. When I finally thought of it, you can bet there was at least one forehead slap.
Through the night I had several reminders of all the wonderful ways electricity enriches my life. I can validate with its two-word pinnacle: air conditioning. I was also reminded through the stormy night how entirely frustrating it is to be powerless.
It’s much the same with our spiritual power. Scripture reveals only enough of God’s power as we can wrap around our finite minds, yet we’re drilled again and again that all power is our great God’s. Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power,” (ESV). In His power we find the bright-as-lightning life—life abundantly power-charged.
One of the amazing truths about God’s power working in our lives is that it’s at peak performance when we’re out of the way. Trying to generate power on our own is as futile as flicking the light switch back and forth when there’s no electricity. In Second Corinthians 12:9, the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for My power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in your weakness” (AMP).
Now there’s good news: the weaker—maybe even dopier—I am, the more His power is available to me. Doesn’t that just zap the frustration of powerlessness right out of a life?
Let’s not take real power for granted. First John 1:5 says, “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (ESV). The all-powerful Light is there for us through every storm. How thrilling it is that He has the best kind of power surge waiting for us as we depend on Him.
We can all get a charge out of that. We’re talking kilowattage for kingdom living!