KANSAS CITY – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College join institutions like Southwest Baptist University, Missouri Baptist University and Hannibal-LaGrange University in cancelling in-class instruction due to coronavirus concerns.
Beginning March 16, classes and seminars for the duration of the spring semester are moving to online (Canvas) delivery. MBTS is canceling all official campus events through the end of April. Informal community interaction can continue as normal.
I write to you again in context of the Coronavirus pandemic to bring words of direction and update. To call the circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus highly fluid is still inadequate to accurately reflect how dramatically things are changing.
By the minute, organizations and institutions are making changes in light of the following: the spread of the Coronavirus, the directives ofgovernmental authorities, and the best practices in both higher education and from health professionals.
As an Executive Cabinet, we continue to monitor the situation closely and seek to give leadership that is Biblically wise, pastorally sensitive, contractually and legally responsible, and sensitive to both institutional and personal needs. To that end, I am making the following announcements, which will be effective Friday, March 13:
I’ve been reminded anew in recent days that the most powerful human emotion truly is fear. The advance of the Coronavirus, coupled with a host of economic factors, have moved many in our society into a state of panic. While we want to be appropriately responsiveand pastoral, I want to assure you that institutionally we are in a strong position to respond to these challenges.
First of all, as a Christian community we continue to trust in our Sovereign God and His kind providence over all of our affairs. Second, as a Christian institution, we are committed to respond to our students and employees in pastorally sensitive ways. Therefore, as you have concerns or needs, please convey those to your professors and/or supervisors. Third, in recent years the seminary has adopted a very conservative financial model. The result is that we approach this challenge in a strong financial position. While such crises are often a cause for financial concerns at institutions like ours, at this juncture we anticipate continuing our work as planned.
As I have stated previously, the situation has continued to evolve very rapidly. Therefore, do make sure you give careful attention to www.mbts.edu/coronavirus. We will continue to update the FAQ sheet as well. If you have questions or concerns you can email coronavirus@mbts.edu. For general questions pertaining to the twelve announcements above, please reach out to your professor, supervisor, or resident assistant as needed.
Thank you so much for all that you mean to Midwestern Seminary. As I’ve said many times, Karen and I believeMidwestern Seminary is our lives’ calling. We have planted roots to be here for decades to come. That sense of commitment we feel to Midwestern Seminary and the clarity that we have in God’s calling on our lives give us adeep, personal affection for this seminary community. If you are reading this letter, you are well within the scope of our personal care,affection, and prayers. Know that we love you in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are committed to you and the institution during this season of challenge, and we are confident in Christ and His goodness in our lives in this season ahead.