BRANSON – Encouraging words are necessary for most women, including wives serving alongside their husbands in ministry. The message, No Concealer Needed, resonated well with more than 100 women attending the Ministry Wives Luncheon, an event held during the recent MBC annual meeting in Branson.
Ministry wives often feel the need to live up to a higher standard than other Christians. Reiterating the gospel of grace to the group was humorous and dynamic guest speaker Kathy Ferguson Litton, whose husband pastors Redemption Baptist Church of Mobile, Alabama.
During her message, Litton asked the group to share possible reasons they may feel compelled to live behind a mask. Some of the answers included perception of perfection, fear of judgement, Satan and exhaustion. Litton went on to explain how living without a mask can actually improve your witness.
“All of us are in the process of sanctification,” Litton said. “The gospel of grace is what makes it possible to be imperfect.”
Litton chose both King David and Paul as examples of sinners in the Bible forgiven by grace, referencing Psalm 51 and I Timothy 1, respectively. She said, like them, we too can live genuinely and vulnerably with repentant hearts, which will in turn help others be more Christ-like in their daily walk.
Through her compassionate appeal, Litton encouraged the women at the luncheon to share their inner pain, struggles and wounds.
“We gain credibility as leaders when we become vulnerable,” she said. “Check yourself by asking if Jesus is in my story, if so then God will be glorified.”
Litton concluded her message with the statement, “Owning your own sin is the wildest freedom, no other religion offers such freedom.”
Kathy Ferguson Litton is the wife of Ed Litton, and an employee of NAMB, serving as Director of Planter Spouse Care and as the registration secretary of the Southern Baptist Convention.