BRANSON – Johnny Hunt, senior vice-president of evangelism and leadership of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) spoke to the MBC messengers in the first session of their convention. His sermon was titled “The Kingdom Life,” and he gave examples of some things he wants to do if the Lord wills.
Taking his text from I Corinthians 16, he said first, “I have possessions I wish to give.”
Hunt said pastors and teachers should teach what the Bible has to say about stewardship. Paul knew his readers in Corinth were aware of the famine in Jerusalem that was causing great hardship for the believers there. He says Paul told them, “We’re going to take an offering, on the first day of the week, so let everyone give as the Lord has prospered him.”
The preacher said he gives to the Lord for three reasons: 1) The Old Testament is still part of the Bible and it commands it, 2) God will pour out a blessing on those who give, and 3) God has prospered us.
Hunt also said, “No one in here got to be here without someone who influenced you.”
“We should ask ‘who, when and why did they influence you?”
He told the story of an older couple named “Punk” and Otis in his first church. They came to talk to Hunt, then a 23-year-old preacher who was from a poor family. They said, “Brother Johnny, can we adopt you?” The young college student asked why. They said they had two boys and prayed for them to become preachers, but they died before they were age two. They offered to buy clothing for Hunt, his wife, their children and every two weeks, give them some spending money” Otis said, “What do you think?” Hunt replied “Hello daddy!”
As Otis was dying a few years later, Hunt thanked him in the name of Jesus for his gifts. Otis said, “I’ve never missed anything I’ve given away.”
Finally, Hunt said there is a person we wish to glorify.
“Maranatha” means “Our Lord is coming” in verse 22. The Lord is coming back. He said a Pew Research survey showed that people want their preachers to preach on end times.
He said he was preaching on the Second Coming of Jesus in his church and people began to complain about his sermons and his view of eschatology. He said the bottom line is, “I’m not going to argue with you, but on the way up I’m going to look over at you and say, ‘I told you so.’”
He concluded by urging the messengers to glorify God by winning a lot of people to Jesus.”