JEFFERSON CITY – The Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering supports 16 ministries in Missouri. This year’s theme is taken from 2 Corinthians 9:7 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Following are two short stories about how the gifts of Missouri Baptists support missions projects throughout the Show Me State.
A chance for new life
Kendra* was in awe the entire weekend. She traveled with a group from St. Louis to Branson to see the musical “Samson” as guests of Sight and Sound Theatre.
She had never before ventured out of St. Louis and was overjoyed with the whole experience. At every stop – the theater, a fast food restaurant, the hotel – she took pictures and called her mom to tell her what a wonderful time she was having.
This teenage girl is a client of Human Trafficking Rescue, a ministry of the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home.
For more than 130 years, the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home has been providing hope and restoration to children and families. In addition to ministering to victims of human trafficking, they also provide residential care, foster care, services to adults who are developmentally disabled, and support for those with unplanned pregnancies.
Pray for:
• Healing and salvation for the women and minors who have been victims of human trafficking
• Children separated from their parents to know the eternal love of their Heavenly Father
A work in the heart
Located in America’s heartland, Kansas City has more than 2 million people – and four out of five of them don’t know Jesus.
“There is a great gospel need in our city and around our state,” says Jason Allen, a pastor at LifeConnection Church.
LifeConnection started with a small group of college grads in 2007 and has grown to a family of churches with three congregations reaching the lost throughout Kansas City.
Coaching and mentoring future leaders is made possible through the Strategic Missionary Development program supported by the Missouri Missions Offering. The heart of the mission is the Great Commission.
Pray for:
• The lost of Kansas City to hear and receive the message of salvation
• The Holy Spirit to empower church planters working throughout Missouri
(EDITOR’S NOTE: * denotes name changed)