BUCYRUS – The people at New Beginnings Baptist Church here can tell you a little bit about miracles.
After facing various struggles 2011 and 2012, the eight remaining members of the church – then called Bucyrus Baptist Church – began praying for direction. Then, guided by Associational Missionary Paul Posey, they were replanted in 2014 as New Beginnings Baptist Church.
“After much prayer, we determined that God wasn’t finished with our little family and we began a process of revitalization,” Pastor Scott Barton said. “By 2014 we were a brand-new church with a new constitution, a new vision, a fresh start, and a new identity – a new beginning.”
But needs still existed. For one thing, the church nursery’s original location was a safety risk; it was located too close to the church’s main entrance. But there were few members and limited funds to fix this problem, and so the members of New Beginnings turned to the Miracle Maker. They began to pray.
“God provided an answer in the form of a generous financial gift from another small congregation in our association,” Barton said. However, the gift still was not large enough to fund the project—but it did open the hearts of the people. More people began coming to new Beginnings and giving. Soon the finances were right. “It was enough, at just the right time, to set the wheels in motion,” he said.
Many ingredients contributed to the revitalization of New Beginnings, Barton told The Pathway. But ultimately, the Lord allowed the church to turnaround.
“Primarily, the Spirit was moving in the hearts of His people and they began to respond in obedience,” Barton said. “Experiencing the unsolicited love and concern of a sister church at just the right time confirmed for us God’s vision and purpose for New Beginnings.”
He said that the surprise monetary gift from Central Baptist Church was a catalyst for restoration at the church. “Ultimately,” Barton said, “hope was restored when we began to recognize that God really wasn’t finished with us yet, and that renewed hope was sparked by the demonstration of love by Central Baptist Church.”
So New Beginnings has had its new beginning—just as Pastor Barton says: New people; a new nursery; new hope. The work done by the Lord has been incredible.
Barton said, “It has been a real privilege and honor to get to watch the hearts of these folk bloom as they catch the vision God has for New Beginnings. Sometimes, all we need is to witness the unabashed obedience of others to encourage and incite renewed obedience in us.”
He added, “To God be the glory!”