BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – Seven Missourians have been nominated to serve on the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, the four denominational boards – International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, LifeWay Christian Resources, and GuideStone Financial Resources, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the six seminaries, and the Committee on Order of Business by the 2019 SBC Committee on Nominations.
Nominees will serve if elected by the messengers to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, June 11-12 in Birmingham, Ala.
Executive Committee (86 members): 24 nominations considered; 10 new members; 14 renominations.
Nominees with term to expire in 2023 replacing members ineligible for re-election include James F. Freeman, layperson and member of Country Meadows Baptist Church, Independence, replacing Lovina K. Rush, Kearney, Mo.
GuideStone Financial (43 trustees): 12 nominations considered; 6 new trustees; 6 renominations. There are no Missourians being nominated.
International Mission Board (76 trustees): 30 nominations considered; 19 new trustees; 11 renominations.
Nominees with term to expire in 2023 replacing trustees ineligible for re-election include James W. Barnhart, associate pastor, Miner Baptist Church, Sikeston, replacing Robert G. (Gary) Barkley, Excelsior Springs.
North American Mission Board (52 trustees): 13 nominations considered; 3 new trustees; 10 renominations.
Among those nominated for second term is Alisa J. Henley, Kansas City.
LifeWay Christian Resources (51 trustees): 13 nominations considered; 6 new trustees; 7 renominations. There are no Missourians being nominated.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (42 trustees): 9 nominations considered; 6 new trustees; 3 renominations.
Nominees with term to expire in 2024 replacing trustee ineligible for re-election include James E. Briggs, pastor, First Baptist Church, Fayette, replacing David C. Sheppard, St. Charles.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (40 trustees): 8 nominations considered; 6 new trustees; 2 renominations. There are no Missourians being nominated.
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (40 trustees): 7 nominations considered; 6 new trustees 1 renomination. There are no Missourians being nominated.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (30 trustees): 7 nominations considered; 5 new trustees; 2 renominations. There are no Missourians being nominated.
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (35 trustees): 8 nominations considered; 5 new trustees; 3 renominations.
Nominee with term to expire in 2024 replacing trustee ineligible for re-election is Jason R. Gentry, pastor, Hallsville Baptist Church, Hallsville, replacing G. Richard (Rich) Hastings, Raytown.
Nominated for term to expire in 2021 is M. Lane Harrison, pastor, LifePoint Church, Ozark, replacing Jared Bumpers, Springfield, who resigned.
Gateway Seminary (39 trustees): 8 nominations considered; 3 new trustees; 5 renominations. There are no Missourians being nominated.
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (34 trustees): 9 nominations considered; 4 new trustees; 5 renominations.
Nominated for term to expire in 2023 is Miles S. Mullin II, vice president for academic administration and member of Calvary Baptist Church, Hannibal, replacing Tammie Andrews, Independence, who resigned.
Committee on order of Business (7 members): 2 nominations considered; 2 new members.
There are no Missourians being nominated.