JEFFERSON CITY – April was a springboard of uplifting activities for Missouri WMU. On the heels of the organization’s annual meeting, the MWMU board met April 26-27 to reflect on Missions Celebration and to make plans for the coming months.
Newly elected president, Mary Ann Randall of Lebanon, presided over the board meeting held at the Baptist Building in Jefferson City. Several times throughout the two-day meeting she referenced the group’s current theme verse, 1 Corinthians 15:58.
“To stand firm and to not be shaken is encouraging and necessary instruction in our fast-paced world,” Randall said. “Not surprisingly, God’s Word is still as relevant today as the day it was written.”
The board’s agenda on Friday included reports from committees and specialists, as well as updates from staff.
The Grow MWMU Committee offered a suggestion for a Summer Blitz, which the board enthusiastically accepted. The campaign will encourage churches to implement mission education into their fall curriculums, and will launch in June.
Teri Broeker, Preschool/Children/Student Consultant, said communicating in June will allow churches time for training, ordering materials and promoting these new program starts. The Blitz will include emails to churches, advertising in The Pathway and other means of communication.
The board received updates from the treasurer, foundation and special funds. President Randall also shared highlights from the annual Missions Celebration:
• Attendance for the meeting was 235.
• Offering for the Madge Truex Fund was $2,085.
• Silent auction benefiting the Alberta Gilpin Fund was $1,905.
• Guest speaker Rosalie Hunt shared proceeds with MWMU from her book sales during the meeting.
• Breakout sessions took place along with testimonies from several missionaries.
• MWMU Executive Director Laura Wells announced her resignation due to a new job her husband accepted requiring relocation to Texas.
Special workers joined the board meeting on Saturday, and the day concluded with age level training.
MWMU offers relevant mission-related education for preschool through adults, which can be previewed at the MWMU wants to encourage all believers to learn about missional living, how to apply the power of prayer, to give to missions and to serve.