BRIDGETON – Trustees for Missouri Baptist Children’s Home (MBCH) gathered Jan. 22 at the main campus here to conduct the business of the ministry, noting 46 children found permanent, Christian homes in the last quarter of last year, and 177 in 2018.
In residential services, MBCH Children and Family Ministries (CFM) reports an increase in the number of youth served in therapeutic group homes – 67 in 2018 compared to 55 in 2017. The numbers in MBCH transitional living programs – both group homes and scattered sites – and developmental disabilities services remained the same. There was a decrease in residential pregnancy services and human trafficking rescue in 2018.
However, MBCH almost doubled the number of home studies and training being done under the Foster Care Adoption Resource Services (FCARS) contract. The LIGHT House, an MBCH maternity home in Kansas City, served 22 mothers and 13 infants and toddlers, along with 23 participants in its outreach program.
All told, MBCH CFM ministered to 4,414 individuals last year representing 1,193 families, including 185 in residential care from 79 families.
“Undoubtedly,” MBCH President Russell Martin told trustees, “one of the most exciting statistics is we are reporting a total of 20 professions of faith in 2018. To God be the glory!”
On the business side, MBCH Foundation’s fundraisers exceeded their goals by 2.3 percent, helping bridge the gap between service fees from the state, gifts from Missouri Baptists and the cost of serving Missouri’s children and families in need. Expenses for the year were under budget.
MBCH trustees next meet April 22.