KANSAS CITY – The Missouri Baptist Convention’s 2019 Great Commission Conference (GCC) is set to take place, Feb. 21-24, on the campus of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
This annual event aims to encourage, equip, and challenge Missouri Baptists as they seek to see lives and communities transformed through the gospel.
The unifying theme this year is “Multiply,” emphasizing the Missouri Baptist Convention’s goal to help churches multiply churches around the state and across the globe.
Keynote and breakout speakers include:
• Robert M. Bowman Jr., executive director at the Institute for Religious Research in Cedar Springs, Mich.;
• James Choung, vice president of strategy and innovation at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship USA;
• Dan DeWitt, associate professor of Applied Theology and Apologetics, as well as the Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University;
• Joshua Hedger, pastor of teaching and vision at Emmaus Church in North Kansas City;
• Ray Jones, founder and president of Radiance Ministries, which helps the church get outside the walls of its building to share Christ and help people understand true worship;
• Dave Runyon, co-founder and director of CityUnite, which helps government, business and faith leaders unite around common causes;
• Owen Strachan, associate professor of Christian theology, director of the Center for Public Theology and director of the Residency Ph.D. Program at Midwestern;
• Kempton Turner, pastor of City of Joy Fellowship, in East St. Louis, Ill.;
• Bill Victor, who serves in the Making Disciples group and as a Scholar in Residence for the Missouri Baptist Convention;
• K. Marshall Williams, senior pastor of Nazarene Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pa.;
• Jared Wilson, director of content strategy and managing editor of For the Church at Midwestern Seminary;
• Jason Yarnell, campus minister for the Baptist Student Union at Northwest Missouri State University.
The conference also features an evangelism dinner, hosted by the Fellowship of Missouri Baptist Evangelists, and a church leadership dinner on Feb. 21; as well as a women’s luncheon, a multi-ethnic luncheon and a discipleship dinner for Bonhoeffer Project participants on Feb. 22.
The Great Commission Conference is funded through the faithful giving of Missouri Baptists through the Cooperative Program. To learn more about the conference or to register now, go online to mobaptist.org/gcc.