Why am I involved in public policy? I’d really prefer not to be. I’m a newspaper editor, first and foremost. I know for certain that is the work God called me to do. But I have learned over the years in serving Him, God will often present us with unexpected opportunities to make Him known. That is where my public policy work comes in.
I have told many of our state leaders that I am not a lobbyist. I have no money. I really don’t feel like I have any influence. I stand on principle guided by God’s Word. Whatever influence I have comes from above.
Many of us have cried out to God for years to save America from itself. We are straying from Jehovah and are in need of a Third Great Awakening. For at least the past decade or so, thousands of Missourians have consistently offered prayers in behalf of our nation and state. I think many people would be surprised at the large number of Christians who have been faithfully praying for years in Jefferson City that God will intervene in behalf of our nation.
I am not a prophet, just a worm, saved by grace through the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ. But I must confess it feels like God is granting our nation a reprieve through a thoroughly unlikely vessel in Donald Trump. This is a man whose life has violated God’s Word in so many ways that they cannot be counted. Truth be known, the same could be said about any of us. But it seems that God is using this unlikely vessel to turn our nation back to Himself. The slaughter of innocent life, the attacks on the family unit through no-fault divorce, a judiciary that mocks God’s definition of marriage and tries to rob us of our God-given liberties, including rejection of the rule of law – places us on the eve of destruction.
I want public servants to know the true, living God and that He is actively involved in His creation – which includes government. I want to be “salt and light” to rotting legislation and where darkness rules. Most of all, I want people to know Jesus loves them and wants to have an intimate relationship with them.
I have concluded that Christians – especially those of us blessed to have been born Americans with all the freedom that comes with that – must be involved in public policy. Government, after all, is instituted by God. Like all of His creation – it belongs to Him – and He expects us to be involved. Why on earth should we surrender the operations of government to evil? We are to push back against darkness and the Evil One, making it known that God’s way is the best way. We must always winsomely approach those who oppose us with dignity and respect. Ephesians 6:12 hangs over my office desk, an ever-present reminder: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Spiritual warfare is waged in the hallways of the State Capitol just like it is in our workplaces, schools, homes and churches.
When I walk down the hallways of our State Capitol, my heart is full of love for my King, the Lord Jesus. It is also full of love for all those serving our state and nation. I want them to know the government does not belong to them. The Constitution says it belongs to “We the people.” In reality, it does not really belong to us. It belongs to God, who has decided to let us be involved in His creation.
Our elected officials hold their positions not by accident. Jesus told the local governing authority, Pontius Pilate, the truth in John 19:11: “You would have no authority over Me unless it had been given you from above.” It is precisely the fact that government leaders’ authority comes directly from God is why we must pray for them, just as the Apostle Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim. 2:1-4.
So, I feel led to return to the State Capitol when the General Assembly convenes in January. All of us adopted into God’s family have different tasks to advance His kingdom. This is mine. I will do my best to encourage our lawmakers to pass God-honoring legislation. My job, no matter the personal sacrifice or outcome, is to say, “Thus saith the Lord.” Then I leave the results to God.