It is a joy and privilege for Missouri Baptist Children’s Home (MBCH) to have this opportunity to share our story once a month in The Pathway. We plan to have a number of different people associated with MBCH write future columns so you can have a better sense of the broad and varied ministries we offer.
The Missouri Baptist Convention and Missouri Baptist Children’s Home have a long history of partnership, but I do not think it has been any stronger than it is right now. Dr. John Yeats has been most supportive of our work in his role as MBC Executive Director. Dr. Ken Parker has as well in his role as the current MBC President.
I think part of that is attributed to the work our Board of Trustees has done over the past several months to amend our articles and bylaws to conform to the changes in the MBCH governing documents made in last year’s annual meeting. The process of seeing where our documents were already in alignment and addressing any variances reminded us of how the MBC and MBCH complement and supplement each other. Without a doubt, MBCH needs the MBC; and I think it is probably fair to say the MBC needs MBCH as well. That makes for a good partnership.
We are particularly grateful for the individuals and the churches who make up the MBC and who are so faithful in their support of MBCH. That support is shown through your prayers and your financial support through the Cooperative Program, the Missouri Missions Offering and direct gifts. Some of you have joined our team as staff, foster parents, and/or adoptive parents. It takes all of us working together to serve God by responding to the needs of children, youth, and families to make a lasting difference in their lives.
In future columns you will hear from our staff on the varied programs we offer, including therapeutic group homes, transitional living program, family foster care, treatment foster care, human trafficking rescue, pregnancy services, and services to the developmentally disabled. In addition, you will read about our desire to engage churches to be even more effective in ministering to children and families in their local communities.
I pray you will read each column and be sensitive to the Lord’s leadership as to how you might become more involved in making a lasting difference in a life of a child or a family.
In the meantime, I would invite you to join us for our reception after the close of the Monday evening session during the upcoming annual meeting in October in Springfield. It will be at the Doubletree Hotel and all are welcome. Hope to see you there!
Again, it is a privilege and honor to serve with you and among you. May He continue to bless us we serve Him.