JEFFERSON CITY – The Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering supports 18 ministries in Missouri. This year’s theme is taken from 1 Chronicles 29:14b: “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.”
Following are two short stories of how the gifts of Missouri Baptists support missions projects throughout the Show Me State.
Liberty for the captives
Lori was not expected to stay at the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home. The 14-year-old was a victim of human trafficking. She was addicted to drugs, had not been in school consistently for several years, and was extremely aggressive.
But when she became a resident of MBCH’s Freedom 43:19 program, staff members started praying for her and showing her God’s love. Rather than run away, Lori surprised everyone by staying.
After several months, she is now drug-free, on the honor roll at school, and no longer displaying aggression. She actively participates in weekly therapy sessions and is learning how the Lord offers freedom and healing.
The Missouri Missions Offering helps children who feel they have no hope find God’s love.
Timeless Truth
As children and families face greater risks in their world, can a week of Vacation Bible school still make a difference?
“Absolutely! Now more than ever!” says Christy Nance, VBS coordinator for the Missouri Baptist Convention. “VBS lays a foundation for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through daily lessons that tie to the gospel message.”
VBS themes and Bible lessons each year are based on surveys of thousands of kids and their families. Each spring, MBC missionaries provide regional training to associational VBS leaders, who pass their knowledge to VBS teachers at churches across the state.
“Training events are a great place to ask questions, share ideas, and think out loud,” Nance said. “Everyone is challenged to do what they do better than ever before.”
Through VBS training, new teachers learn the basics. Experienced leaders dig deeper into relevant topics such as children and salvation, and church security.
The Missouri Missions Offering provides training that equips VBS leaders for the rewarding task of teaching timeless truths to children and their families.
The MMO week of prayer is Sept. 16-23, and the statewide goal is $710,000. Learn more at