HANNIBAL – Colleges and Universities frequently have a visit day to show prospective students the campus. However, one of HLGU’s largest “Experience Days” in recent years was held, Oct. 20, when more than 200 possible students visited.
Dr. Raymond Carty, Vice-President for Enrollment and Institutional Effectiveness, said HLGU has two fall Experience Days, and three in the spring. Normally, these draw about 125 prospects.
“We’re really happy about that number,” Carty said. “Experience Days give the prospective students an opportunity to consider the academics, the athletics, the fine arts, and the missional opportunities here.”
Carty said that Experience Days energize not only prospects but also current students and faculty.
The next Hannibal-LaGrange University Experience day is Nov. 10. Carty said the numbers are looking healthy for that day as well.