ST. LOUIS – My Hope combines video with personal testimonies to share the gospel. My Hope created by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has been used globally to win millions to Jesus. Since 2013, My Hope has been available in the United States.
“The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has two goals,” David Claybrook, Missouri State Coordinator for BGEA, said. “Number one to proclaim the gospel and two, to equip the church to share the gospel.”
Claybrook outlined how My Hope accomplishes this task. “The BGEA technical department makes videos that combine stories of people coming to know Christ with preaching by Billy Graham,” he said, “that way the gospel is made clear.”
According to Claybrook, the first video released in 2013 saw 100,000 people making commitments. “My Hope has had good success at home,” he said. “it started in 2002, and since then, it has been released in 59 nations with 350,000 churches participating and 10 million decisions for Christ.”
Claybrook explained that it is a biblical formula. “It is the Matthew model,” he said, “Matthew was called and he brought family and friends to Jesus. My Hope works the same way by building relationships.”
After prayer and building relationships, Christians are encouraged to invite friends into their home for food, fellowship and to watch one of the My Hope videos.
“After the My Hope video,” Claybrook said, “the host shares his personal testimony.”
Pastors are encouraged to use My Hope for the urgent task of sharing the gospel. “Pastors can use My Hope in any venue that is useful for them,” Claybrook said. “BGEA can provide them with the needed resources and we can help plan the best way to use My Hope. Pastors can order DVDs or find the videos online.”
More information is available on To contact David Claybrook, his email is