ST. LOUIS (BP) – Southern Baptists will learn more about how the International Mission Board partners with churches to overcome barriers and cross bridges together to effectively send missionaries to difficult-to-access places and global cities during the Southern Baptist Convention’s June 14-15 annual meeting in St. Louis.
The SBC annual meeting also will feature a joint “Sending Celebration” as the IMB and North American Mission Board celebrate overseas missionaries and North American church planters, along with their sending churches, as together they answer God’s call to plant churches and make disciples in the United States and around the world.
The Sending Celebration, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, June 15, at America’s Center in St. Louis, will display how God has a place for every church – indeed, for every Christian – to be on mission with Him, for His glory.
Driven for more than 170 years with a passion to see the Gospel proclaimed to all nations, Southern Baptists have relentlessly pursued ways to share the Gospel, make disciples and multiply churches among all unreached people and places through the IMB.
This passion still unites and drives Southern Baptists as a convention of churches cooperating together to fulfill Christ’s commission – even in the midst of a world radically changing with rapid urbanization, technological advances, global migration and other barriers to overcome.
Today, the IMB seeks to capture the opportunities God is affording Southern Baptists to partner with churches to send limitless missionary teams to make disciples and multiply churches. Thanks to the experience and generous support of Southern Baptists, God has uniquely equipped IMB to help effectively send missionaries both to extreme places global cities.
New opportunities in current global realities, IMB reports, can provide endless opportunities for disciples to play an integral part in making disciples globally.
Throughout Scripture, God has used ordinary Christians to accomplish great things. Southern Baptist churches have the God-given opportunity to find new ways for Christians of all skills, experience and backgrounds to join missionary teams made up of students, professionals, retirees and church planters.
IMB is championing cooperative sending opportunities for Southern Baptists through churches praying for missionaries, giving generously and exponentially sending out those called to join missionary teams.