JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Director John Yeats and leaders of most of Missouri’s largest denominations will be featured speakers at the Missouri Religious Freedom Rally set for 2 p.m., April 19 at the State Capitol. Several other notable speakers will be featured along with musical guests. The event is being held as a prelude to a critical vote by the House of Representatives on the Missouri Religious Freedom Amendment (SJR 39).
“We are asking people to come in defense of religious freedom,” said Pathway Editor Don Hinkle, who is on the statewide leadership team that created SJR 39 and is working to get it passed. “We are asking people to take a day off from work to come and encourage their representatives to pass one of the most important religious freedom bills in the history of our state. It is all-hands-on-deck time.”
Hinkle noted that the gay lobby will host a similar event opposing SJR 39 the following day at the State Capitol. (For the latest on SJR 39, visit