HAZELWOOD – During a rainy week in St. Louis, the clouds separated and the sun shone long enough for Hazelwood Baptist Church to host its 16th annual Father’s Day car show under clear skies.
Dan Herin, coordinator of the June 6 show, says the church has seen that weather pattern before.
“We know the Lord’s in it. We’re taught to pray with intention and expectation. That’s what we did,” he said.
“In years past He stopped the rain by Friday. The wind blew all night and the grass was dry in the morning. That’s pretty much what happened.”
Herin organized the church’s first car show and has coordinated every one since. He says he’s passionate about the event because it’s a way to win people to Christ. The result of his passion is significant.
“We had about 300, 400 cars,” Herin said. “It’s the biggest event we do that reaches out to our community. It brings people to the church.”
He said the thousands who attend the event each year either as exhibitors or spectators get touched in some way for Christ. “The cars are a tool. We use the cars to reach people for Christ.”
Hazelwood Church Pastor Jim Walker echoed Herin’s comments, saying the church’s vision for the show is to host a family-oriented event “filled with the love and the message of Jesus.”
Walker says he tries to meet the car owners and their families during the show to build relationships. “I try to touch base with all the car owners. They may not have a church.”
Those relationships lead to ministry opportunities, he said, such as conducting a funeral this past year for one of the “car show families.”
Herrin said he and other volunteers hear similar stories each year about how the event impacts attendees.
“During the year after the car show we hear from different folks,” Herin said. “One guy emailed me and told me he won the big prize and that was salvation.
“After the car show he went back and got right with the Lord,“ Herin continued.
“Him, his wife, and his kids are involved in the church down in Hillsboro. It doesn’t have to happen on this campus.”
Hillsboro is a community about 45 miles south of Hazelwood.
Herin said that examples shows the reason for the show: “We want people here to know the Lord.”
Part of accomplishing that is to create a well-organized event that has a “professional feel” in order to build credibility and attract car enthusiasts.
Overland Church member Ron Chandler agreed the church puts together a well-run show. He was one of the returning exhibitors this year, showing off his bright yellow1936 Chevrolet hot rod.
He’s participated in the Hazelwood event “for the last 6-7 years,” partly drawn by the opportunity to renew friendships with folks he only sees at car shows.
“It’s the fellowship,” he said. “I enjoy seeing people I see at other shows.”
This year more than 100 volunteers staffed the show and though each has a primary service responsibility, Herin said all are part of pointing people to Christ.
“The people in the kitchen would pray every two hours for the car show while they were getting ready for dinner,” Herin said. Others “would be praying through the day.”
As thanks for participating, car exhibitors and their families are treated to a full dinner, which attracts 400-500 individuals.
At the dinner Pastor Walker presents an evangelistic message and Herin said there are usually responses from folks wanting to know more about Christ or the church.
However, he admitted the dinner response cards tell only part of the car show’s impact each year.
“We’ll never know the total number of people we’ve reached through the car show. Sometimes, seeds are sown. Sometimes, there are changes of heart right there.”