JEFFERSON CITY – Volunteer leaders for Missouri Disaster Relief gathered for a DR Roundtable at the Baptist Building here, March 13-14.
During the roundtable, these leaders were challenged and encouraged by Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Executive Director John Yeats and MBC team leaders Matt Kearns (leadership development) and Rick Hedger (partnership missions), as well as DR specialists from around the nation—including Oklahoma Baptist DR Director Sam Porter and National DR Director Fritz Wilson.
“It was a great event,” Dwain Carter, the MBC’s DR strategist, said, adding what a blessing it is to have a team of committed volunteer leaders “who already know your heart and know the directions that you would go and how you would act and what you would expect.”
During the roundtable, the MBC also awarded plaques to “white hats,” that is, volunteers who help Carter oversee DR efforts on a state-wide level. These “white hats” included Ron and Jo Ann Hahs, Leighton and Kay Clemons, Patrick Ryan, Angie Hurd, Mike and Ruth Beasley, Randy Ewart, Jerry and Linda Palmer, Ron Crow and David Wells.
Additionally, Joe Banderman was named a “white hat” and tasked to oversee collegiate DR teams.
Nearly 200 train for DR at FBC, Macon
MACON – Volunteers who work with Missouri Disaster Relief (DR) respond quickly to emergencies across the world, ministering amid crises caused by tornadoes in Missouri, hurricanes in Louisiana, and typhoons in the Philippines. But an effective and quick response to such crises calls for preparation.
For this reason, 198 Missouri Baptists gathered at First Baptist Church here for a DR training, Feb. 27-28. During such trainings, DR volunteers learn various skills – from assessing the damage caused by a disaster to counseling people in crisis, preparing food for a multitude, using chainsaws and other equipment, and leading DR teams.