OSAGE BEACH – A new endowment is critical to the continued ministry of Disaster Relief (DR) to bring help, hope and healing said the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) DR director Dwain Carter.
“This is about setting course for the future,” Carter said. “The DR Legacy Endowment Fund will help make sure the ongoing DR ministry around never ends because of any possible financial shortfalls.”
The MBC has set up a long-term, pure endowment to benefit DR ministry. That means that once an initial amount of investment is met, it will remain protected while payments are made from the interest earned. The initial funds for the investment will come at the MBC annual meeting Oct. 27-29 at Tan-Tar-A Resort when messengers will have an change to participate in a special offering Tuesday morning. Forty percent of that offering will go to the DR Legacy Endowment, with 30 percent going toward providing scholarship to mb125 – an event for small church pastors and families – and 30 percent going to help fund the Minister’s Juggling Act – an event for pastors and their wives.
“This is for the next generations to come,” Carter said. “Disaster Relief ministry here and around the world is of the best ways that people can see Jesus through our actions.”
In 2014 alone, Missouri DR volunteers responded internationally, nationally and locally to typhoons, floods, tornadoes, fires, rebuilt homes and provided childcare.
“We want every one possible to be involved,” Carter said. “For some that means volunteering, for some that means praying and for some that means giving.”
To learn more about the endowment fund or to contribute, please visit: http://mobaptist.org/dr/legacy-fund/.