OSAGE BEACH – Ministers and lay people have been appointed to serve on the 2014 Missouri Baptist Convention Committee on Convention Committees by MBC president Wesley Hammond. One member is from each of Missouri’s eight regions.
Guy Thomas (Central Region), pastor of First Baptist, Princeton, was named chairman of the committee. Other ministers serving on the committee are: Ralph Sawyer, First Baptist, Wentzville (East Central Region); Lanny Witt, Oak Grove Baptist, Lebanon (South Central Region); Luis Mendoza, Palabra Viva, Kansas City (West Central Region).
Lay people serving on the committee are Wendy Wilson, First Baptist, Gilman City (Northwest Region); Robert Harrison, First Baptist, Unionville (Northeast Region); Edna White, Southgate Baptist, Springfield (Southwest Region); Kenneth Gullett, Lynwood Baptist, Cape Girardeau (Southeast Region).
The Committee on Convention Committees is responsible for nominating members to the following MBC standing committees: Committee on Convention Preacher – to serve and report in 2015 in Springfield; two members each for the Committee on Order of Business, Credentials Committee, and the Committee on Continuing Review, terms expiring 2017 – to begin serving following the 2014 convention; Committee on Resolutions and Committee on Enrollment – to serve in 2015; and Committee on Local Arrangements – to serve in 2016 in St. Charles.