Here is a brief recap of the 2014 Worldview Conference. More coverage will be coming in the upcoming edition of The Pathway and online at
"We're heading toward "minor attracted individuals" instead of pedophiles. It's a 'civil right'" Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Whats most astounding is that it's educated people who are staying within traditional JudeoChristian values of marriage #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"The church is not providing clarion calls, clear unequivocal calls to what is right." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"The media is shaping values rather than the hard research." #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"The political rhetoric sounds wonderful, but you get behind it, and it's very, very harmful." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Hugely important topic for @mobaptists and all others. #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"Same-sex marriage is not about civil rights. It is about civil engineering." Gregory Kouki via Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"Married men outnumber single men in pornography usage." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
We're trying 2 fix our economic problems w/ gov solutions.Maybe it's time we start looking at the cause of these problems #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"Sexually intercourse is constructive only within marriage." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"More than 1/4 of sexually active girls report depression. 72% desperately wish they had waited." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"20 million new STDs each year." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"If you start sexual activity in early teens, you are likely to have more than a dozen partners" Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Message of the world: "Sex is great recreation" Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Without God,theres no truth.What God says is true.Everything else is opinion. When you take God out of it,you become an idiot @BobMcEwen
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Slavery vs. Freedom from @BobMcEwen:
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"We have to call our citizens back to the noble, difficult task of self-government." @HawleyMO #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
#USgov: "You have to agree with the government's moral convictions." @HawleyMO #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
#USgov: "Get out of business OR shutup &do what we tell U.If U want 2do business in America" @HawleyMO #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
#USgov:Forprofit industries are exclusively about profits.Their view is U open forprofit business,U give up religious rights @HawleyMO
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"We are charged to carry into politics God's good purpose for government and society." @HawleyMO #wordlview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
From @RobPhil at #worldview2014: "Where do we go when we want to know what happens after death? Jesus." #truth
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"How do we establish strong family ministries?" Answer: "It starts in the home." Dr. Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Truth being spoken at #worldview2014. Great to have Dr. Janice Crouse.
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
#DEVASTATING: "41% of US children are born to fatherless households." #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"Across history, across societies marriage and family have been the foundation of nations." Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Rejection of JudeoChristian values & morality is at root of countless broken relationship & cultural disintegration -JCrouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
#STARTLING: "4 in 10 say marriage is obsolete." Dr. Janice Crouse #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
In free market the only way I can become wealthy is 2 bless other people.The more people I blessmore Im rewarded @bobmcewen #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
If u take money away have u created wealth?No. So more government u have n StLouis the less wealth n St. Louis @BobMcEwen #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"You cannot do what is right if you are doing what is wrong." @BobMcEwen
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"You cannot do what is right if you are doing what is wrong." @BobMcEwen
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"You're going to have a lot of people getting killed if you aren't allowed to say 'thou shalt not murder' @BobMcEwen
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"Politics is made up of integrity+economics." @BobMcEwen #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Former congressman @BobMcEwen is up!
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Anthony Allen bringing a great word!
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
.@AAllenHLGU "use jesus as an example for cultural interaction" @DaveVanBebber "I'm trying to provide solid doctrinal grounding as basis"
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
"We cannot be the church unless we engage the culture." @AAllenHLGU @HLGuniversity #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
Salt=defense,light=offense"Salt must penetrate 2preserve;light is 2 invade every dark space"@AAllenHLGU @HLGuniversity #worldview2014
— The Pathway (@mbcpathway) April 3, 2014
About to get started at #worldview2014
— Missouri Baptists (@mobaptists) April 3, 2014