Thank you, Missouri Baptists, for helping bring to life a statewide Christian apologetics ministry in 2013. Missouri
Baptist Convention (MBC) churches and associations hosted many apologetics weekends and one-day events that covered topics ranging from “How do I know the Bible is true?” to “What do false religions have in common?”
Hosts included Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Jefferson City; Cross Keys Baptist Church, Florissant; Sweetwater Baptist Church, Neosho; First Baptist Church, Mt. Vernon; Southridge Baptist Church, Jefferson City; East Sedalia Baptist Church; New Salem Baptist Church, Ashland; Faith Baptist Church, Festus; First Baptist Church, Lockwood; First Baptist Church, Linn; Black River Baptist Association; and others.
Earlier this month, I was honored to represent Missouri Baptists in a weeklong apologetics-training event for seminary students and pastors at Seminario Teologico Bautista Mexicano in Mexico City. The MBC’s Partnership Missions team, led by Rick Hedger, and the International Mission Board worked together to make this happen. What a great opportunity it was for me to help equip young church leaders to defend the Christian faith.
Events already scheduled in 2014 include participation in the Sowing in Tears (State Evangelism) Conference and the Worldview Conference, as well as numerous church-sponsored events. To schedule an apologetics event at your church or associational office, contact me at or call 573.636.0400 ext. 304.
Apologetics e-newsletter
Starting in January, we are launching a monthly apologetics e-newsletter. Each edition features stories, commentaries, and resources to help you more effectively defend the Christian faith.
The newsletter also links to commentaries from leading Christian apologists and provides information about upcoming apologetics events throughout the state.
To sign up for “mbApologetics” send your email address to Christie Dowell at
Apologist’s Tool Kit
The positive response continues to our release of The Apologist’s Tool Kit. The articles in this 64-page booklet address some of the most commonly challenged Christian doctrines today, from the existence of God to the authority of Scripture.
In addition, they offer a biblical basis for identifying and dealing with false prophets, and they provide an overview of several religions, cults, and sects that lay claim to Scripture but deny its core teachings.
There are three easy ways to order The Apologist’s Tool Kit:
- Call us at 573.636.0400 ext. 303.
- Send an email to
- Visit us online at
Booklets are $5 apiece when ordered by phone or email; $7 when ordered online.
Apologetics columns
Many thanks to Don Hinkle, editor of The Pathway, for inviting me to write an apologetics column for each issue of the MBC’s official news journal, which now reaches more than 20,000 homes and churches. You can read all archived columns at; click on the “Apologetics columns” link.
I value your feedback and welcome your ideas for future columns. Contact me any time at
May the Lord bless you in 2014 as you “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).