JEFFERSON CITY – Freshwater Church in Bolivar birthed two new churches on Sept. 8. One was in Jefferson City, the other in Springfield.
Freshwater Church, Jefferson City, officially launched by meeting at a Lutheran high school near Wardsville. Joshua Hartley was called as planter/pastor in June. Freshwater Church, Springfield, was launched at Ed V. Williams Elementary School. It is led by Planter/Pastor J. T. Patton.
Their mother church, Freshwater Church, Bolivar, is pastored by Joshua Hedger, who is also second vice president for the Missouri Baptist Convention.
“They (both church plants) combined for over 220 people today in worship and they saw people from all different walks of life gathered,” Hedger said. “God is incredibly faithful. We give Him all the credit and glory for this. He did this. Just as He did with Freshwater Bolivar four years ago. Just as He has with the nine churches in South Asia and four in West Africa. He has done it. Because he loves to save people and He loves to receive glory in doing so.”Freshwater Bolivar was started by Second Baptist Church, Springfield.