KANSAS CITY – In resolutions submitted for consideration at the Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) 2013 annual meeting, the MBC’s Christian Life Commissioncriticized recent attempts to legitimize homosexuality and redefine marriage.
One resolution opposes the recent decision of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to open membership to homosexuals. According to the resolution, this change in membership policy contrasts with the BSA’s historic commitment to safeguarding values that are “consistent with belief in God and biblical precepts that serve as the basis for Christian faith.” It also conflicts with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, according to which “Christians should oppose all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery, homosexuality, and pornography.”
The resolution proposes that “the messengers of the Missouri Baptist Convention meeting, Oct. 28-30, express our continued opposition to, and disappointment in, the decision of the Boy Scouts of America to change its membership policy.”
The resolution also commends BSA leaders who opposed the policy change and affirms that Missouri Baptist churches and families have the right to “prayerfully review their relationship with the BSA.” Additionally, it encourages churches that break with the BSA to continue ministering to boys through such programs as Royal Ambassadors.
In another resolution, the Christian Life Commission responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The resolution reads, “RESOLVED, that the messengers of the Missouri Baptist Convention meeting in Kansas City, Oct. 28-30, 2013, express our continued opposition to and grave disappointment in the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act.”
According to the resolution, DOMA “was passed with overwhelming majorities in the 104th Congress” and “has been federal law for over 16 years.” Additionally, the government is responsible for ensuring the health of society, and the redefinition of marriage “to mean anything other than the union between one man and one woman would fundamentally undermine the historic and biblical foundation of a healthy society.” The resolution also calls Missouri Baptist churches and pastors to declare their convictions about the biblical definition of marriage and status of homosexuality.
While condemning homosexuality and opposing the redefinition of marriage, both resolutions also encourage Missouri Baptists to pray for and show the love of Christ to homosexuals.
MBC messengers planning to submit proposed resolutions during this year’s annual meeting are encouraged to send the proposals by Oct. 1 to the Resolutions Committee, Missouri Baptist Convention, 400 E. High Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101-3253; Fax 573-635-0904; E-mail: pjeffries@mobaptist.org.
Proposed resolutions should be typed, and should contain (1) the name and address of the messenger submitting each proposal; (2) name of the church that messenger will be representing; and (3) the title of the resolution. All resolutions must also be officially submitted in person by a registered messenger to the MBC Recording Secretary David Krueger by the end of the evening session on Oct. 28.
Serving on the 2013 MBC resolutions committee are Brad Russell (chairman), First Baptist Church, Arnold; Allen Calkins, First Baptist Church, Gray Summit; Al Flohr, Bethany Baptist Church, Cape Girardeau; Ken Lake, Camp Branch Baptist Church, Sedalia; and Russell Meek, Northland Baptist Church, Kansas City.