HOUSTON – Two Missourians are among the 70 Southern Baptists from 35 state Baptist conventions that were named to serve on the 2013-14 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Committee on Nominations during the SBC annual meeting here June 11-12.
They are: Ted D. Middleton, pastor, First Baptist Church, Lewiston, and Jennifer Farr, a member of First Baptist Church, Steelville.
The Committee on Nominations will nominate people to serve on the SBC’s boards, commissions and committees. They will present their report to the 2014 SBC annual meeting in Baltimore. The committee is made up of two people from each state convention, with at least one layperson.
Members of the Committee on Nominations are selected by the Committee on Committees, which meets just prior to each SBC annual meeting. The Committee on Committees is composed of 70 members as well, two each from the 35 state and regional Baptist conventions. They are named to the committee by the SBC president.
This year SBC President Fred Luter Jr., named Jeff Anderson, pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Hannibal, and Sandee Hedger, member, Freshwater Church, Jefferson City, as the Missouri representatives on the Committee on Committees.