In my last column I listed five habits that godly leaders possess that I think separate them from the crowd. Here, I will list five more.
I also encouraged you to weigh in with your observations at Please share your additional thoughts at the same web address and join the conversation.
As a quick recap, here are habits 1-5. Godly leaders:
1. Face each day with a priority mindset.
2. Make daily Bible reading and prayer indispensible in their lives.
3. Hold wisdom in high regard.
4. Are intentional about the message.
5. Make “iron sharpens iron” a way of life.
Here are my additional observations about godly leaders:
6. They see continuous learning as a lifestyle. The more information they gain, the more godly leaders sense fulfillment. They are continually reading, thinking, taking notes, and exploring new ways of doing things. They study the faith walk. They constantly want to learn something new about God’s attributes and His creativity. They know you never get too old to learn about the God of the ages.
7. They exhibit convictional courage. Godly leaders are not interested in the opinions of the masses. They care much more about what “God has said …” This one thing most clearly illustrates the godly man or woman in comparison to leaders who gain public notoriety. Godly leaders are people of principle and they are willing to “go to the mat” for biblical principles. This means they must often work overtime at demonstrating kindness toward those who are making rebellious lifestyle choices. It also means that they aren’t people who are constantly pointing out what is wrong. Instead they point to what is good. Philippians 4:8 speaks to the godly man or woman: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there be any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”
8. They learn to balance the stuff of life. There is a constant barrage of demands from life, and godly people learn the delicate balance between their bodies, mental and emotional health, their relationships and their faith walk. Watch what they do when a storm comes. Ask them to tell you about their most difficult time in life and watch the tears swell in their eyes. But notice they continue on the walk of faith with deeper resolve and greater balance.
9. Their hearts and hands are open. The most generous people in the world are godly people. Part of the reason is that they know they don’t own anything. Everything they call theirs is a trust from God and they are managers of what God entrusts to them. So their hands and hearts are open to give themselves and their possessions away to Kingdom purposes.
My friend and state executive director in Indiana, Cecil Seagle, says it this way, “What does GENEROSITY, God-sized look like? I can tell you, it may include a tithe, but it does not camp out there. No, no – when we see His world, His creation like Jesus sees it then we don’t ask how much or how little. We declare, ‘whatever it takes’! Soooo, what will it take to reach His world with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Whatever it. … Finish it for yourself, I already know my response! MARKED BY HEAVEN-SIZED GENEROSITY!!!”
10. Their heart of service is exceeded only by their selflessness. Godly people are those people in life who are the least concerned about who gets the credit for something. They are abandoned to the mission of demonstrating the heart of our loving God in all circumstances.
Those are my observations. Think about them. More importantly, think about that person in your life you would classify as a godly leader. Bless that man or woman with an email or a note or a FaceBook post.
And remember to join the dialogue at