OSHAWA, Ont.—The Canadian National Baptist Convention (CNBC), which is in partnership with the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), is seeking prayer support for a number of mission encounters that are about to take place.
Concerning Northern Ontario, there are three areas of focus in prayer. First is the Kenora area in the west which includes the First Nations Communities. Second is the area north of Toronto. Third is Sudbury, which includes mission points being reached through All Nations Church.
In and around Kenora, pray for Jay and Mary Kim, church plant catalytic leaders. They will be incorporating the following mission teams into their strategy:
Southwest Baptist University students, May 21-June 6; North Central Missouri College (NCMC) Baptist Student Union team, May 24-31; Current Canada Summer Missionary team (two women from NCMC), June 1-July 31; First Baptist Church, Trenton, team, June 8-16; First Baptist Church, Gainesville, team to Dryden, June 30-July 7; Wright Douglas Ozark Baptist Association team to Dryden, July 7-14; First Baptist Church, Nevada, team, July 16-21; First Baptist Church, Bolivar, team, July 22-26; and teams from First Baptist Church, Fulton, and Southside Baptist Church, Fulton, Aug. 4-10.
Up to four trips are in the process of being developed for communities north of Toronto. These Missouri Baptists will be utilized in the strategic plan of Pat and Nadine Armstrong, church plant catalytic leaders.
The first entry point into this region was made April 30 through May 3 by Miner Baptist Church, Sikeston. Pray for fruit to come forth from this vision trip.
July will yield the next two trips to this area, first by a team from Sandy Baptist Church, Hillsboro, for Vacation Bible School in mid-July, and then by a team from Cane Creek Stoddard Association in late July.
Finally, Atlanta Baptist Church is considering a vision trip.
The third key foundational point for the Missouri Baptist outreach to Northern Ontario is the city of Sudbury. Pray for host pastors Jeremy Mahood and Josh Sklar as they look to God for guidance after welcoming a team from Memorial Baptist Church, Jefferson City, who ministered there April 30-May 6.