OSAGE BEACH – It was a lot of discussion for what in the end was a non-vote: Messengers to the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Annual Meeting Oct. 31-Nov. 2 passed seven resolutions, although one related to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Name Change Task Force was amended to be “blank” after debate did not lead to an immediate compromise.
“Resolution No. 6,” which encouraged “all Missouri Baptists to contact the SBC Name Change Task Force members individually or through their website at www. Pray4sbc.com” with their input regarding possible change, was the star of the show. Ron Foley, pastor of First Baptist, Stockton said the resolution itself was neutral on the issue.
Several messengers on the floor argued for an amendment that would voice a desire to remain “Southern Baptist.” Before that amendment could be voted on, another amendment was brought that made the resolution blank, but informally asked MBC President John Marshall to call for input to the task force. After some consultation with the parliamentarians, that amendment was passed, and the resolution passed with no contest.
“I heard three strong opinions from the floor,” Foley said. “Some want us to remain ‘Southern Baptist,’ some wanted us to enter the discussion about changing the name, and some that agreed with resolutions committee that it was too early to do anything as a convention other than contact the Name Change Task Force.”
Foley said to his knowledge it is the first time the MBC has ever passed a blank resolution.
Messengers voted to pass:
• A resolution “on defending the sanctity of life,” specifically commending the Missouri State Legislature for its passage of pro-life bills, including banning late-term abortion, supporting alternatives to abortion and crisis pregnancy programs.
• A resolution “on homosexuality and the United States military,” encouraging Missouri Baptists to oppose the current national policy of allowing practicing homosexual activity in the U.S. military.
• A resolution “on pornography; church and family,” asking Missouri Baptists to take charge in educating families and churches about the dangers of pornography and encourage Internet accountability.
• A resolution “on pornography and government,” specifically asking Missouri Baptists to call on the Department of Justice to enforce federal obscenity law and re-establish the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force.
• A resolution “on American law for Missouri courts,” specifically affirming Missouri Baptists’ desire to maintaining United States Constitutional law, and registering opposition to any attempt to impose any system of law “by which people of different faiths, different genders, or different ethnicities do not enjoy the same legal rights” or “denies basic human rights” or “provides for unethical treatment of women.”
• A resolution of appreciation to the staff of Tan-Tar-A Resort, the annual meeting local arrangements committee and Lamine Baptist Association for their assistance with the annual meeting.
BRIAN KOONCE/staff writer