JEFFERSON CITY – “A Christian Citizen’s Responsibilities in Election Year 2012” will be the theme of the Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) Biblical Worldview Conference set for Memorial Baptist Church here March 29. The conference is free and open to the public.
This will mark the second straight year the MBC will conduct a Biblical Worldview Conference sponsored by the convention’s Christian Life Commission and The Pathway.
“Several themes were considered, however, in the end, we felt given the utmost importance of the approaching 2012 election that we should search the Scriptures for guidance as we seek to glorify God in how we conduct ourselves in the election process,” said Don Hinkle, Pathway editor.
MBC Christian Life Commission Chairman David Krueger, pastor, First Baptist Church, Linn, urged everyone to attend.
“We have a distinguished lineup of speakers who will address our theme from multiple perspectives,” he said. “I urge pastors and all Missouri Southern Baptist laity to prayerfully consider attending this important event.”
Speakers include:
• Robert Bergen, Ph.D., professor of Old Testament, Hannibal-LaGrange University, who will open the conference with an exposition of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
• Barrett Duke, Ph.D., vice president for public policy for the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention in Washington, D.C.
• Michael Whitehead, a Kansas City attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund. Whitehead, a member of Abundant Life Baptist Church, Lee’s Summit, will brief attendees on the Christian churches’ rights with regard to political activity.
• John Yeats, MBC executive director and the former legislative liaison for the Louisiana Baptist Convention.