LAKE OF THE OZARKS – The sounds coming from this little country church Sept. 17 will be less “Sweet Beulah Land” and a little more throaty roars from dozens of Harleys and Yamahas parked out front.
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church will play host to the Missouri Baptist Biker Fellowship’s (MBBF) bike rally, which coincides with Lake of the Ozarks BikeFest. It is co-hosted by the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), MBBF and Lake Ozarks Resort Ministry. The rally runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Organizers said they will offer a cool-down station, free pulled pork, and live music. It is open to Christian bikers, as well as non-Christian bikers in town for the larger BikeFest. The church is located near the intersection of Highway 54 and Business 54.
“We’re looking for Baptist bikers who would be willing to just be there and walk amongst the other bikers,” said Rick Hall, director of missions for Crossroads Baptist Association. “We could also use a few volunteers to help set up the tent before the event.”
The highlight of the event will be the Buddy Newsome national directory of F.A.I.T.H Riders. Newsome is a draw for Christian bikers, but also non-Christians. He is slated to speak around 1:30 p.m.
“The schedule is loose,” said David Mifflin, director of missions for Fellowship Baptist Association, “but we’re bikers, and stuff happens. He’s a nationally known rider. I expect riders of all kinds to show up and visit. This would be a particularly good event for Christian riders to invite their lost biker buddies to.”
Missouri Baptist Biker Fellowship is a relatively new “fellowship.” Hall is careful to point out that Missouri Baptist Bikers Fellowship (MBBF) is a fellowship, not a club. In this way, bikers already affiliated with one of several Christian biker clubs – Christian Motorcyclists Association, Bond Slaves, F.A.I.T.H. Riders, Tribe of Judah and others – can participate. Hall is a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.
There are more than 300,000 motorcycles and trikes registered in Missouri, making them one of the larger “people groups.”
For more information, contact Hall at or at the Crossroads Association office at (660) 263-7171.
BRIAN KOONCE/staff writer