JEFFERSON CITY—Vic Borden, chairman of the Executive Director Search Committee, reported that the May 24 meeting of the committee at the Baptist Building was noted by its focus on prayer.
“It is permeating the committee meetings, and it is occupying our focus in between meetings—prayer and fasting,” he said. “We are diligent and vigilant about prayer accompanied by fasting regarding the call of the next executive director.”
The committee is receiving written recommendations accompanied with resumes on potential candidates through June 30. All nominations may be mailed to Borden at Red Bridge Baptist Church, Kansas City, Missouri 64137-2059.
On April 12, Monty Dunn, pastor, Pleasant View Baptist Church, Spokane, who chairs the Administrative Committee of the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) Executive Board, commissioned the Executive Director Search Committee with the following prayer:
“Father we pray for this committee. We work together carefully to select these names, and we want to surround them right now with just Your wisdom, care and guidance. These are some very exciting days in Missouri Baptist Convention life, with covenants with the North American Mission Board, the OSG report, and just looking and thinking outside the box in the way that we do business. Father, not only those things, but it’s always thrilling to walk with You. We pray that You would give them wisdom from on high. We’re all too familiar with the pain that one gentleman can cause within our convention. We pray, Lord, asking for the protection of Your hand upon us as we go in and tread where angels dare not tread.
“We know that there’s no way that we will find a perfect (candidate). There’s only going to be a perfect church, a perfect plane of living, when we get to heaven. But we ask, Lord, that you would give them an individual with a sacred anointing, with the clear marks of a born-again Christian, who loves his family, loves his church, loves this convention, loves You, Lord, with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength. We’re so thrilled with the North American Mission Board saying that we might be an anchor state for this Midwest region from here north. Father, I pray that the Missouri Baptist Convention can become an anchor state for the United States, an anchor state for Your Kingdom, an anchor state for Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the uttermost parts of the world, that You might use us.”