ST. CLAIR—One man’s sudden death illustrated the importance and urgency of the Gospel at The Truth and the Outdoors expo March 25-27.
John Whitrock, one of the expo volunteers, has been witnessing to a friend for years, constantly sharing his faith. He persuaded his friend to attend the Truth and the Outdoors to have his buck scored.
“It’s just one more avenue to get someone who’s not churched in here to hear the Gospel,” said Rick Thomas, chairman of the event committee and member of New Hope Baptist Church in Sullivan.
He got his score and drove home. He had a heart attack and passed away that night.
“I always tell people that when I die, I want to die bringing in a big buck, and that’s more or less what he did,” Thomas said. “That’s what the outdoors is all about and you can’t be out there and not know there’s a God. Romans 1:20 says that since the creation of the world God’s divine power and nature have been clearly seen through creation. When that man met God Saturday, he had no excuse, and we just gave him one last opportunity.”