JEFFERSON CITY – David Tolliver, executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention since February 2009, has resigned, according to an announcement by the convention Jan. 7.
The full text of the convention’s brief statement follows:
“With deep regret we announce, Dr. David Tolliver has resigned as Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention due to immoral behavior with a woman. His resignation is effective immediately. Jay Hughes, Associate Executive Director of Support Services, will serve as acting interim executive director until a permanent Interim executive director is named by the Executive Board.”
The MBC Executive Board is scheduled to meet Jan. 14.
The Executive Board and convention staff were notified the morning of Jan. 7. Hughes made the announcement to the Baptist Building staff assembled at 9 a.m., and led the staff in prayer. MBC President John Marshall, pastor, Second Baptist Church, Springfield informed the Executive Board by email.
“As MBC president, it is my sad duty to write painful news to you this morning,” Marshall wrote. “Our Executive Director, Dr. David Tolliver, tendered his resignation to me yesterday afternoon (Jan. 6), effective immediately. As you read this, two other MBC officers and I are meeting with our Executive Board staff to communicate this devastating information.
“Yesterday Dr. Tolliver met with a DOM and a pastor. Wesley Hammond and I were asked to attend, but before we arrived, Dr. Tolliver had already resigned in response to allegations being made by a woman. Other circumstances behind David’s decision will be shared at a special called Executive Board meeting at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, January 14. The Administrative Committee will meet at 1:00 p.m. that day. All deliberations will be in executive session.
“At this moment, all our energy must be directed toward ministering to our personnel in the Baptist Building. Jay Hughes will serve as acting interim director until the Administrative Committee can bring a final recommendation to the Executive Board for approval,” Marshall wrote.
No one other on the MBC staff besides Tolliver was involved in the incident.
Tolliver, 60, was elected by the MBC Executive Board on Feb. 3, 2009.
Tolliver is married and the father of two, with two grandchildren.
By STAFF, with reporting by Baptist Press