KANSAS CITY—Scott Mayse, coordinator for International Commission, stood before 35 of the 49 participants in Kansas City who were preparing to go on an evangelistic mission trip to Jamaica to say that Hurricane Tomas was nearing the island which could mean cancellation.
They had been preparing for over nine months and felt there were God-ordained appointments ahead of them, so they began to do what they knew would work. They started to pray.
Breaking up in small groups, they begin to lift their voices to the Lord. One lady said,” The scripture says if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.” So they stood upon that faith to believe.
They prayed for a whole week. On the Thursday before they were to leave, just one day before departure, the group was packed. The only way they were not going was if the airport in Kingston was closed.
Tomas had stopped moving. The hurricane danced for two days in the Caribbean then turned northeast at 90 degrees. It was now heading toward Haiti, not as a hurricane but as a tropical storm with a lot of rain. It then moved between the island of Jamaica and Haiti.
When the mission team arrived Friday night, there was no hurricane and not much rain. God had moved His hand upon the storm to honor the prayers of the mission group.
A 62-year-old man, a Jamaican all his life, said he had never seen a hurricane do what Tomas did. He noted that only God could have changed its direction.
The sun shined all week and the Son was in many hearts of the Jamaicans. At the end of the week, there were 1,434 calling Jesus their Lord, having prayed to accept Christ as their Savior.
The 49 participants on the mission trip came away testifying that prayer still works.
For more information about International Commission, call Mayse at (913) 731-0539 or email him at ScottM@IC-World.org.