176th Annual Session, October 25-27, 2010
Expo Center – Springfield, Missouri
OFFICERS: Bruce McCoy, President John Marshall, First Vice President Mitchell Jackson, Second Vice President Jamie Hitt, Recording Secretary
THEME – Do the Work of an Evangelist – 2 Timothy 4:5
Monday Evening, Oct. 25
6:30 Pre-Session Music Mike Wright, Canaan, St. Louis
6:45 Call to Order – 176th Annual Session Bruce McCoy
Scripture and Prayer Evangelist Bud Lee
Welcome Mike Haynes
Congregational Singing Mike Wright
7:00 Report, Committee on Enrollment Tommy Blair
Report, Credentials Committee Gary Mathes
Announcement of Committee on Convention Committees
Tellers Committee Bruce McCoy
Report, Committee on Order of Business Gary Payne
7:20 Executive Director’s Address David Tolliver
8:00 Congregational Singing Mike Wright
8:05 Theme Interpretation Mark Anderson, Passing Hearts
8:20 Special Music Katie McCoy and Bruce McCoy, Canaan, St. Louis
8:25 President’s Address Bruce McCoy
9:00 Benediction Campus Missionary
Tuesday, Oct. 26
8:15 Pre-Session Music The Martins
8:35 Call to Worship
Prayer Greg Hitt
Congregational Singing The Martins
8:45 Theme Interpretation/Bible Study Jerry Tidwell, G.R.O.W.
9:00 Special Music The Martins
9:05 Hannibal-LaGrange Report Woodrow Burt
9:20 Recognition of SBC agencies present Bruce McCoy
9:25 WMU Report Joan Dotson
9:35 Special Music The Martins
9:50 Agency Restoration Group Report
10:15 Committee on Convention Committees Howell Burkhead
(partial report)
10:20 Executive Board Report/Recommendations Bruce McCoy
10:50 Congregational Singing The Martins
10:55 Introduction of Miscellaneous Business
(To be voted on Wednesday. Motions will be printed in bulletin.
Titles of resolutions will be read by appointed person.)
11:10 Prayer Time Bob Loggins
11:20 Election of President
11:35 Special Music The Martins
11:40 Annual Sermon Randy Johnson
Alternate Aaron Weibel
12:15 Benediction Campus Missionary
Tuesday, Oct. 26
2:00 Pre-Session Music The Martins
2:05 Call to Worship
Invocation Clyde Chiles
2:10 Run-off Election for President, if necessary
2:15 Missouri Baptist Children’s Home Bob Kenison
2:30 Special Music The Martins
2:35 Theme Interpretation/Bible Study Eric Erickson
Harvest Unlimited
2:50 Memorial Service John Marshall
2:55 Introduction of Miscellaneous Business (last time)
Committee on Continuing Review Bob Ingold
3:15 Nominating Committee (full report) Jim McNiel
3:25 Missouri Baptist Historical Commission David Daughenbaugh
3:35 Prayer Time Bob Loggins
3:45 Congregational Singing The Martins
3:55 Special Music The Martins
4:00 Message Mac Brunson
4:45 Benediction Campus Missionary
Tuesday, Oct. 26
6:10 Pre-Session Music The Martins
6:30 Call to Order Bruce McCoy
6:35 Welcome and Invocation Bob Tolliver
6:40 MBC Night
Pathway Report
Wednesday, Oct. 27
8:15 Pre-Session Music Missouri Music Men
8:30 Call to Worship
Prayer John Hill
Congregational Singing Missouri Music Men
8:45 Theme Interpretation Bruce McCoy(?), The Way of the Master
9:00 Election of First Vice President
9:15 Southwest Baptist University C. Pat Taylor
9:30 Prayer Time Bob Loggins
9:40 Congregational Singing
Special Music Southern Raised Bluegrass
9:55 Message David Uth
10:35 Run-off Election for First Vice President, if necessary
10:40 Discussion of Miscellaneous Business
Resolutions Committee Rodney Dorr
11:10 Congregational Singing Southern Raised Bluegrass
11:15 Election of Second Vice President and Recording Secretary
11:35 Convention Committees:
Committee on Convention Preacher
Committee on Convention Committees Howell Burkhead
11:45 Run-off Election for Second Vice President
and Recording Secretary, if necessary
11:55 Missouri Baptist Christian Life Commission Jeff Brown
12:05 Announcements and Recognitions
Recognition – Retiring MBC Officers
Recognition – New MBC Officers
12:15 Benediction New President
Adjournment of 176th Annual Session