I am so excited to tell you about the Missouri Music Men trip to Western Ontario. Our job will be to encourage the saints, build up the Baptist work there and to evangelize this part of Ontario, as we sing to draw a crowd, and then have the Gospel preached. The dates of the trip are May 10-20.
We will do seven to eight concerts, with several mini-concert opportunities. We will not be singing in too many churches, as few there can really hold this size group adequately. Instead we will be singing in concert halls, in small towns to create an audience, the Gospel will be strongly presented, and then church planting teams will be there to attempt to help start churches in the areas we will have sung.
Here is the rough itinerary:
May 10 Depart
May 11 Midland, W. Ontario, Canada
May 12 Coldwater, W. Ontario, Canada
May 13 Gravenhurst, W. Ontario, Canada
May 15 Bracebridge, W. Ontario, Canada
May 16 North Bay, W. Ontario, Canada
May 17 Sudbury, W. Ontario, Canada
May 18 Sault Ste Marie, W. Ontario, Canada
May 19-20 Returrn to Jefferson City
The cost of the trip will be around $750, which covers hotel and transportation; you pay for your meals as you go. Spouses are invited, but they, too, must pay $750. There is a limit of 85 on the two buses.
We are looking for 50 men to go on this trip. This is about 15 to 20 more than we usually have for a concert, and it will require thoughtful (not perfect) attendance at the following concerts and rehearsals:
Oct. 27 – Wednesday morning – Annual Meeting, Missouri Baptist Convention; Springfield Expo Center
Feb. 4 – Southwest Baptist University, Church Music Conference (mini-concert)
March t.b.a. – First Baptist Church, St. Charles (concert followed by a Friday rehearsal)
April 30 – All day rehearsal in Jefferson City
The outfits that we wear are black, long sleeve shirts, black slacks, black shoes. In a few weeks there will also be a detailed document about the trip on our website, with pictures and descriptions of the sites.
We also have on-line registration for you. Simply pay a $100 deposit at
Passport: You can get into Canada without a U.S. passport, but you can’t get back into the U.S. without one. So passports are necessary for this trip. The new wallet cards are acceptable to and from U.S. to Canada.
I look forward to us sharing the Gospel together through the healing power of music. (John Francis is the worship specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention and produces MoWorship, a monthly worship podcast available at