By Kayla Rinker
Contributing Writer
WAYNESVILLE – Missouri Acteens and leaders are gearing up for the annual Missouri Acteens Retreat, scheduled for Nov. 12-14 at Pulaski Baptist Association Camp here.
Diane Miinch, Missouri Acteen specialist, said this year’s theme is titled, “Don’t Lean.” She said the retreat will be centered on Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
“The Acteens Council chose this scripture and theme because they want their fellow Acteens to understand the importance of totally relying on God for everything,” Miinch said. “There are so many things in this world that we think we know, but trusting in the Lord is the only true wisdom that can be found.”
The theme will be introduced throughout the weekend during general worship sessions, through keynote speakers and integrated into interesting break-out sessions.
Miinch said two missionaries, Marilyn Upton with the International Mission Board and Nadine Gold with the North American Mission Board, will also address the Missouri teens and share their passion for mission work.
“Nadine does resort ministries out of Branson,” Miinch said. “She organizes and leads groups who come on short-term missions to do Backyard Bible clubs there. She has been doing it a long time, something like 20 years, and she has really fine-tuned the ministry God has called her to do.”
On Saturday afternoon, the Acteens will work together in a ministry project, which Miinch said the girls always enjoy. This year the group is making Witness Dolls that will be taken to the Philippines.
“The Retreat is so good to be a part of and I enjoy it every time I go,” Miinch said. “It is fun and enriching for both the Acteens and the adult leaders. I’m looking forward to it.”
Miinch said registration is $45 before Oct. 11 and $50 after. To register online, go to and type Acteens in the search box. For more information please call Miinch at 573-243-3025 or e-mail