By Brian Koonce
Staff Writer
HANNIBAL – Despite some snow and fog, Hannibal-LaGrange College (HLG) trustees heard a glowing report at their quarterly meeting Feb. 12 on campus. The balance sheet, enrollment and student missions involvement are all up.
“I’m excited about these numbers,” said Dean of Business and Finance Betty Anderson as she went over the school’s balance sheet.
Expenses are up at the college over last year more than $600,000 at $12.9 million, but revenue is up more than double that increase at $16.8 million. The bulk of the extra expense is from increases in the student services line item and HLG’s scholarship program. The extra income is due to tuition and private gifts. The 2010 budget for HLG is $18.6 million.
“These numbers are a good sign,” she said, “especially in this economy.”
Enrollment for the spring semester is 972 students taking 12,696 hours for a full-time equivalent (FTE) of 846 students. The numbers for the ’09 spring semester were 920 students taking 11,974 hours for and FTE of 798. Total enrollment last fall was 1,173.
“Most campuses see that drop off from the fall to spring,” said Ray Carty, vice president for enrollment management.
Vice President for Collegiate Affairs Tom Hufty bragged on the HLG students for their involvement in mission throughout the winter and spring. This semester, students will participate in 13 mission opportunities locally, nationally and overseas through HLG. Hufty is leading students on a spring break trip to Las Vegas in March, while others are going to Beach Reach in Panama City, Fla. A spring break trip planned for Haiti has been postponed due to the Jan. 12 earthquake.
President Woody Burt led trustees in prayer for the capital campaign to construct a new library facility. A better library facility was high up on the recommendations from the North Central Association, HLG accrediting agency.
“We’ve allowed this to drag out, and the economy, of course, has had an impact on it,” he said. “It’s time for us to buckle down and get this completed.”