By Jeff White
Contributing Writer
SPRINGFIELD—The weather forecast was calling for eight to 12 inches of snow to fall in the Springfield area Jan. 28, but that didn’t keep a faithful group of believers who constitute the Advisory Board and the Associate Members for the Creation Museum of the Ozarks (CMOTO) from praying for divine intervention, which God was pleased to grant.
For several months, CMOTO, which takes a literal approach to interpreting Genesis 1-11 and also holds to a creation model of six literal 24-hour days, had been planning a pastors’ conference to be hosted by Missouri Baptist Convention-affiliated South Creek Church. The keynote speaker for the event was John Morris of the nationally known Institute for Creation Research (ICR). Morris also serves on the Advisory Board of CMOTO.
During his presentation, Morris, who has a Ph.D. in geology and has led 12 expeditions to Mt. Ararat searching for Noah’s Ark, utilized both Scripture and science to demonstrate that the physical evidence fits best with the Bible’s account of creation, rather than evolution.
He also presented arguments for a young earth of less than 10,000 years old, pointed out that uniformitarianism and evolutionary thought were prophesied in Scripture in 2 Peter 3:1-7, that carbon and radio-metric dating can be in error when dealing with sedimentary rocks, and that catastrophism caused by a global flood accounts for much of the confusion in interpreting correctly the geologic table. He ended his remarks by powerfully emphasizing logically that evolution is totally incompatible with the atonement of Christ, since evolution demands that death existed before man and, therefore, cannot be the result and consequence of man’s sin as Scripture teaches.
CMOTO, under the direction of its president, Rod Butterworth, plans to establish a museum in or around Branson. It would boldly proclaim that the Biblical account of creation is absolutely true and that God’s Word can be trusted both for authority and sufficiency in all matters of faith and practice. This facility would be modeled after, though not a duplication of, the Creation Museum located in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio area, which is owned and operated by Answers in Genesis. The museum would represent the truth of Scripture to many of the 7 million visitors to Branson each year as well as provide conference facilities and speakers to local churches, Sunday School classes, and small groups of all types.
CMOTO is blessed to have a vast of array of credentialad leaders with both practical and educational backgrounds that further promote the teaching of apologetics to local churches. Most have their M.D., Ph.D., or M.S. degrees in various scientific disciplines including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, botany, etc. This group is made up of both public speakers and researchers who are eager to share their scientific knowledge with pastors and church staff in ways that fully support the authority of Scripture.
Of special concern to CMOTO is the loss of young people who are exiting the church in huge numbers because of the influence of the humanistic culture of this century. They believe the relevant issue is that of the authority of Scripture and that if the foundational chapters of Genesis are undermined by the culture, then the message of the Cross is likewise attacked. Therefore, they wish to provide the ways and means to assist in providing adequate foundational defense for Biblical creation, starting with the pastors, and encompassing associate pastors, elders, deacons, teachers, and finally, church members.
For more information check out their website at