By Allen Palmeri
Associate Editor
BRANSON – Jimmy Brown, president of the Missionary Baptist Convention of Missouri (MBCM) and pastor of St. Luke Memorial Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, preached the final sermon of the Missouri State Evangelism Conference Jan. 26 with the Cross as his destination.
“Somebody said, ‘How come Baptist black preachers always go to Calvary?’” Brown said. “I have to let you know I have another question. How come football teams always try to get across the goal line? How come basketball teams always try to get some hoops? How come baseball teams always try to get to home plate?
“I try to get you to where I know salvation resides. At the Cross, at the Cross, where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith I received my sight, and now I’m happy all the day. Lift up Jesus! Lift up Jesus! Lift up Jesus! Lift up Jesus! Lift up Jesus!”
By then those in the pews at the First Baptist Church sanctuary were drowning out his preaching with a standing ovation.
Brown then closed his message by talking about the man who, when faced with a beach filled with starfish who were in danger of dying, began casting them back into the ocean. Even if hundreds were destined to perish, the process of saving them one by one matters much, Brown said.
He also said the 340 churches of the MBCM are ready to march with the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) in the God’s Plan for Sharing evangelism initiative. MBC Evangelism Director Gary Taylor said he is planning on spending some time with Brown and his leaders to make it happen.
Brown, vice president of the National Baptist Convention USA, was a fill-in speaker for Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt, who had to withdraw due to health reasons.