Pray. Lost people are in need.
Determine your territory. Look at which homes in your community you will touch through prayer. Check with your association to avoid overlapping.
Order materials. Among these are the Pastor/Church Preparation Guide, plastic bags, Gospel pieces, banners, postcard invitations, and bulletin inserts.
Update your church’s profile. Visit and view your church’s listing. Churches can make changes to their online information using their seven-digit Southern Baptist Convention ID number by going to
Consider becoming an Evangelsim Response Center church. Telephone encouragers are trained to receive calls from Gospel seekers across America. Training for telephone encouragers will be offered at the three upcoming regional evangelism conferences.
Seek evangelism training. GPS is an opportunity to equip your congregation to share the Gospel. Visit to learn more.
Get ready for company. This means that people will be visiting your church April 4, which means you ought to be prepared.
Keep it simple. There are specific steps in place from March 20 through April 11. Follow them.
Make Easter Sunday special. Take full advantage of the time by clearly presenting the Gospel and providing an opportunity for people to respond.
Celebrate what God has done. Host a baptism celebration, be thankful for changed lives, and let God continue this transformation in your heart, your church, and your community.