Missouri briefs
Hannibal-LaGrange to host Fall Visit Day
Hannibal– Registration is open for prospective students and their families for Hannibal-LaGrange (HLG) College’s Fall Visit Day/Parents’ Day on Oct. 7. This annual event allows students to learn more about academic and student life opportunities on the HLG campus, and for parents of current students to enjoy the day of activities on campus.
“Fall Visit Day is an opportunity for prospective students and families to come to know HLG on a personal level,” said Ray Carty, vice president for enrollment management.
Prospective students can go on campus tours, meet faculty and attend seminars on financial aid, athletics and mission opportunities. Other events include a tailgate party and soccer games.
Parents and families of current students are also invited for the day’s events. This allows parents to familiarize themselves with their college student’s environment away from home.
Performances by HLG’s Jazz Band and ministry groups also will be featured. The ministry groups include Vision, a Southern Gospel men’s quartet; Praise Song, a contemporary vocal and instrumental ensemble; Covenant, a six-voice women’s ensemble; and New Edition, a repertory theatre troupe.
Everyone is invited to cheer on HLG’s soccer teams on Saturday afternoon. The Lady Trojans game will begin at 1 p.m., and the men will play at 3 p.m. Both games will be held at Blackwell Field on the HLG campus. During the games, HLG’s Student Activities Committee will be hosting a tailgate party to which the public is invited to attend.
This annual event is held the first Saturday of October and typically draws more than 300 guests to campus. To register for Fall Visit Day, prospective students can call the Admissions Office at 800-HLG-1119. Students can also register online at www.hlg.edu. For more information about Parents’ Day activities, contact the Student Affairs Office at 573-221-3675, ext. 231.
MAYSVILLE – First Baptist Church recently ordained Russell J. Wright as a deacon.
Gard retires after 13 years from First Houston
HOUSTON – Benny Gard has announced his retirement from the First Baptist Church of Houston after serving the church for more than13 years.
Gard led the church to take more than 18 mission trips during his ministry; several trips were outside the United States. For 11 years, Gard led the Houston church to present the life of Jesus through musical pageants that he wrote, cast and directed. Currently, Gard serves on the Christian Life Commission for the Missouri Baptist Convention. He has also been trained to be a transitional pastor by the Missouri Baptist Convention.
His pastorates include Central Baptist Church of Malone, Texas, Second Baptist Church of Lebanon, First Baptist church of El Dorado Springs and the Castleview Baptist Church, Blue Springs. He is a graduate of Missouri State University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
He is available for supply work, to be an interim pastor, or to be on staff. He and his wife Barbara plan to move to Springfield. Gard may be reached at 417-260-3440.
Monett – Disaster Relief training scheduled for Oct. 21, at Lawrence County Baptist Association has been cancelled. Training may be rescheduled in the spring.
Calvary ordains nine new deacons
REPUBLIC – Calvary Baptist Church ordained seven new deacons Sept. 10, according to Mike Green, pastor. They included Ben Brown, Jeff Carroll, Don Craighead, Steve Herron, Ron Morrill, Tim Wheeler and Don Wilson. Two more, Dave Bruton and Kevin Lamberson, were ordained Sept. 24.
Plaza Heights Church celebrates 40 years
Blue Springs – Plaza Heights Baptist Church will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a two-day celebration Oct. 14 and 15. A luncheon for former staff and church members kicks off activities on Oct. 14th at noon and will be immediately followed by an all-church reunion-reception at 1:30 p.m. Capping off the day a community-wide barbecue block party is planned from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. featuring KC Wolf, Slugger, professional athletes, children’s activities, free food, giveaways and much more.
The celebration weekend concludes with Sunday morning services at 10:45
a.m. which will include special music, testimonies, and an anniversary sermon by Robert Collins. For more information, please contact Vickie Stanley at (816) 229-4077 or visit the church website at www.plazaheights.org.