First Troy Mission Fest inspires in many ways
By Staff
TROY—Mission Fest at First Baptist Church here Oct. 17-19 was built around the theme “… to the Ends of the Earth!” after launching Oct. 12 during the Sunday morning service with a parade of flags and prayer vigil sign-up.
First Baptist Christian Academy held a Mission Assembly on Oct. 17. The school children heard from several guest missionaries including: Jennifer Mayfield, a North American Mission Board (NAMB) missionary from Nebraska who is a full-time missionary and nutritionist with the Santee Sioux Indians; Susan Reed Sandvig, a former International Mission Board (IMB) missionary who served two years with the International Service Corps in Warsaw, Poland; and Jim Hendricks, a missionary educator at the Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya.
On the evening of Oct. 17, a youth concert took place featuring The Andy Rhea Band and guest Christian recording artist Sean Smith. Hendricks joined with Scott Brawner, IMB risk management director and FUSION founder, to challenge the youth to hear God’s call on their lives for mission service. Brawner was formerly a member of the Missouri Baptist Convention staff.
On Oct. 18 the Mission Fest hosted 16 mission booths and 28 ministry seminars throughout the new church facility from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Mission Fest highlights included: a Senegalese Wolof Village Hut; Girls in Action (GAs) making missionary cards; a puppet ministry; quilters; World Changers; AWANAS; Families on Mission; Deva, Romania, partnership; Child Evangelism Fellowship; Disaster Relief; and Prison/Jail Ministry.
Registered guests numbering close to 200 were eligible for door prize drawings of books and Bibles donated by LifeWay Christian Resources. Popcorn, snack breaks and lunch were provided during the daytime festivities. Guests gathered for a spaghetti supper from 4 p.m. through 6 p.m. following by evening worship featuring the Troy First choir and Brawner, who delivered a message.
Sunday morning worship on Oct. 19 featured testimony from Hendricks and a video message from Brad and Deb Mashburn along with Jason and Dorothea Lee serving in West Africa. Brawner brought the powerful morning message of running the race with endurance, as he communicated some of the dangers and difficulties our missionaries face on the field.