Here comes Pastor Appreciation Month
October is here. With the coming of October we are anticipating colorful leaves, football games, harvest, getting ready for deer season and Pastor Appreciation Month. In our culture all of the above are important events in our lives.
As you know and understand, deer season is an undeclared holiday. We may spend as much money for deer season as we might other holidays like Mother’s Day. I really enjoy October and all it has to offer, but my favorite thing about October is showing appreciation to our pastors.
Many of our churches will go all out to say “thank you” and “we appreciate you” to their pastor and family. They may bring meals to the house. There may be a special Sunday that the pastor is honored by the church with a fellowship meal and cards of appreciation. Some may give gifts to their pastor and family such as gift cards to restaurants, retail outlets and other places of business.
Pastor appreciation month has to do with honoring the one whom God has called to be your Shepherd-Servant-Leader. The showing of appreciation comes about not by a certain month being set aside but from the heart of the believer in recognizing God’s call on your pastor and his family. It is more about mercy and love than something someone has earned.
Each year I hear reports from pastors who have worked so hard to minister to their church, and the church does not even give them a card or say thanks. Please do not let this happen in your church. It could be that if you want a better pastor you may need to be a better church member. Most pastors I know do not seek the attention, they serve because that is what God has asked them to do in your location and they do it with love and concern for the well-being of the Bride of Christ.
Let me also encourage you to remember your local director of missions (DOM). You may not see him or visit with him very often; however, he is working behind the scenes to help your church and pastor to fulfill the special mission God has ordained for your church. Your DOM spends countless hours working, praying, consulting, and being a pastor to your pastor. This is not an easy work, but it is a necessary one in the Kingdom.
Enjoy all that October has to offer … beautiful leaves, football games, harvest, and getting ready for deer season. But please remember those that God has called to serve alongside you in your local church and association. (George Roach is the Missouri Baptist Convention’s ministerial services specialist.)