Bivocational pastors enjoy sweet fellowship
One of the areas that I was curious about was how much participation do members of churches with attendance of 100 or less have in our Convention life. I asked Kay Robertson to research this for me and this is what she discovered:
There are 54 members on the Missouri Baptist Executive Board. Of these, 17 are members of churches that have 100 or less in attendance. If you do percentages, that equals 31 percent of the Board’s membership.
For our boards and agencies there are about 100 trustees. Of that amount 30 are from churches of 100 in Sunday worship or less. Again we are in the 30 percent range.
We are grateful and thankful for these men and women from our bivocational/small churches who give excellent leadership in the life of our Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC).
On another note, the bivocational pastors had an enjoyable time at their meal while attending the Evangelism Conference. Attendance was around 50. We enjoyed a great time together. David Tolliver thanked the bivocational pastors for their partnership in and with the MBC. Ron Thompson from Olford ministries shared about the Olford and Missouri Partnership for distance learning. It was nice to see the bivocationals fellowshipping again.
Pray for the Small Church Task Force as its members from around the state continue to work on important issues, and continue to remember the pastors and members of our bivocational/small churches as they partner in the Great Commission with other Missouri Baptist churches. (George Roach is ministerial services specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention.)