Selmore Baptist Church hosts teenage girls
OZARK – Selmore Baptist Church, Ozark, recently hosted a conference for teenage girls entitled “Purity, Passion, & Pearls.” A total of 23 participants attended the event, which addressed how young ladies can live a pure and holy life before God. As the young ladies progressed through the evening, they were provided beauty treatments, a formal dinner served by the men of the church, a fashion show by the women of the church, and a panel of Christian young men to provide a male perspective on various issues.
The church wishes to thank the Missouri Baptist Convention and Tri-County Baptist Association for providing financial assistance for the event. The organizer of the conference was “Heart for Women Ministries,” based in Sparta. For more information on this ministry, please visit
Selmore to celebrate 100th anniversary Oct. 14
OZARK –Selmore Baptist Church, Ozark, will celebrate its centennial birthday on Oct. 14. Former pastors will speak, and there will be dinner on the grounds. Anyone who has ever been part of the Selmore family is encouraged to attend. For more information, please contact the church office at (417) 582-6483.
Bethany Baptist to host Cape Association meeting
CAPE GIRARDEAU – Bethany Baptist Church will host the 183rd annual Cape Girardeau Baptist Association meeting Sept. 18. The meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. At 5:15 p.m. there will be a covered dish supper followed by the evening session at 6:30 p.m. There will be praise and worship time at 7:15 p.m.
Steve Francis, pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Crosstown, will preach the annual sermon during the evening session. Special music will be provided by the choir from Bethany Baptist Church under the direction of Jerry Huskey.
The Cape Girardeau Baptist Association is an association of 33 churches and missions, singularly aligned with the Missouri Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. The Cape Girardeau Baptist Association was started by the Bethel Baptist Church (also known as Old Bethel), established in 1806. First Orrick announce
New recovery ministry
ORRICK—In order to meet a growing need in Ray and surrounding counties, First Baptist Church here is inaugurating Freedom Recovery Ministry (FRM), an addiction program based on the transforming power of the Gospel.
Mark McMullen is heading up the new program. In describing the ministry, he said, “We all battle with some sort of demon. FRM is not just a drug and alcohol program, it deals with the whole person.”
Overseeing the program is Philip Popejoy of Ray County Christian Counseling and Consultants. “In order for recovery to truly be a spiritual journey, Jesus Christ must be the Higher Power,” Popejoy said. “Otherwise it is just another trip.”
FRM will meet every Thursday at 7 p.m. starting Sept. 20. The weekly meeting will be hosted at First Orrick, 301 Adams St., Orrick. For more information, call McMullen at (816) 770-3343 or visit the church website at by Sept. 13.
MBC seeks new teams to serve in El Salvador
JEFFERSON CITY—The Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) is looking for two teams of six to 10 members each to teach English in Berlin and the Usulatan Area of El Salvador in November and December. Training will be provided. For more information, contact Norm Howell at 1-800-736-6227, ext. 620.
Chick-fil-A president to speak at MBTS
KANSAS CITY—Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and College will host President and Chief Operating Officer of Chick-fil-A, Inc. Dan Cathy as the keynote speaker for its second annual Robert F. Keatley Lay Leadership Lecture Sept. 12. He will speak in the regularly scheduled 10 a.m. chapel service.
Cathy, who became president and CEO of the Atlanta-based quick-service chicken restaurant chain founded by his father (S. Truett Cathy) in 2001 after having risen through the ranks from director of operations, has spent the last six years in a very hands-on approach to corporate leadership. He spends most of his time traveling to the various locations of the 1,250-plus unit chain to encourage and challenge 45,000-plus employees to uphold Chick-fil-A’s efforts to provide genuine, heartfelt hospitality that ensures an exceptional dining experience for every Chick-fil-A customer.
His approach to business derives from a servant heart and a personal commitment to the fulfillment of the Chick-fil-A Corporate Purpose: “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”
Fish Creek conducts ordination service
FISH CREEK – Fish Creek Baptist Church of rural Saline Association held ordination services Aug. 26. Randy Huff was ordained to the Gospel Ministry. Harley DePue was ordained to the Deacon Ministry. Vernon Maxted organized the service and led in examining the candidates. Robert Sisney was the moderator. John Holt brought the charge to the candidates and congregation.
New sanctuary dedicated at Mt. Pleasant Baptist
Mt. Pleasant – Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church of rural Carroll Association dedicated their new sanctuary Sept. 2. John Mohler led the dedication. The congregation decided to replace their centenarian building. The new sanctuary was built on the expanded foundation of the old building. Mission teams from Oklahoma and the Union (Coon Creek) Baptist Church of North Grand River Association pastored by Ron Ward helped build most of the new building. The congregation and pastor worked daily in all aspects of the project. God blessed everybody’s labors with a beautiful, debt-free, new worship center.
India Children’s Choir to sing at MBC Chapel
JEFFERSON CITY—The India Children’s Choir, consisting of 22 choir members and five adults, is coming to the Baptist Building on Sept. 19 to sing at the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) chapel service in a service that will begin at 8:15 a.m.
First Baptist Church, California, will host the choir later that day. A concert performance will begin at 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary. The public is invited to join in the First California event.
The people of the Hmar tribe of northeast India were fierce headhunters. In 1910, a missionary named Watkin Roberts sent the Gospel of John to a Hmar chief. The chief invited Roberts to come and explain the Scriptures. He went, despite a travel ban by the British colonial rulers, and five young tribesmen chose to follow Christ.
The converts grew in faith and became leaders of a new and growing church. Within two generations, the entire tribe was evangelized. They now carry the Gospel to their neighboring tribes and the regions beyond. The members of the India Children’s Choir are the heirs of those who first believed.
Sedalia church to host Fall Bible Conference
SEDALIA – Bethany Baptist Church is hosting the Life of Joy Fall Bible Conference Sept. 21-23.
The event will focus on the life of Spirit-filled joy seen in Acts 13:52. Eight expository messages will be preached by Vic Borden of Red Bridge Baptist in Kansas City; Joseph Braden of First Baptist, St. Peters; Steve Harden of Providence Baptist, Ponca City, Okla.; and Douglas Shivers of Boulevard Baptist in Springfield.
The Life of Joy conference is offered to all – church staff and laity – without charge. To register, call (660) 826-8743.
WILLIAMSVILLE – First Baptist Church in Williamsville will celebrate their 140th anniversary Sept. 16. The Golden Rule Quartet will sing.
First Baptist Centerville celebrates 135 years
CENTERVILLE – First Baptist Church will be celebrate their 135th birthday Oct. 14. Services will begin at 10:45. Guest speaker will be Jeff Maxwell. Dinner will follow this special service. N-Praise will give a special concert at 1:30 p.m. Please come and join us to celebrate this special occasion.
KANSAS CITY – Sterling Acres Baptist Church will celebrate 50 years of ministry Oct. 20-21. There will be a catered luncheon at 1 p.m. Oct. 20 featuring a fellowship and a remembrance program by former staff. The celebration will continue Oct. 21 with a Sunday morning “Celebration Service” and meal.