Just remember … God uses ordinary people
Recently I had the opportunity to visit with some friends I made while we lived in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Phil and his wife reminded me of the day I asked them to take on the role of a Sunday School department director. This married adult department, I think, had five classes and a total enrollment of over 150 persons.
Phil said this to me, “Dave, I remember when you came to me and asked me to become the director of this Sunday School department. You told me that the enrollment was larger than many churches in the Southern Baptist Convention and that I was to act as a lay-pastor to this group. Well, that scared me. We had never done anything like this before. We prayed a lot about that decision, accepted the role and now have been a Sunday School Director for over 20 years. Thanks for believing in us.”
Through the years, I have seen many people just like Phil. There is great potential and ability. But many don’t think they can make significant contributions to the kingdom. God doesn’t use ‘superstars’ to do His most significant work. God uses ordinary people (1 Corinthians 1:26-31).
The next time you feel like God can’t use you, just remember . . .
. . . no more excuses now. God’s waiting to use your full potential.